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Extends: @apostrophecms/module ℹ️

This module establishes the basic structure and functionality for all content documents, including pages and pieces. More specifically, it is the foundation for piece types and page types. The features below are available on all piece and page types except where they are overridden in the @apostrophecms/piece-type and @apostrophecms/page-type modules.

This module is almost never configured or extended directly in Apostrophe projects. The only reason to configure this module directly would be to apply the changes to every page type and piece type, including those Apostrophe core (e.g., @apostrophecms/user, @apostrophecms/home-page). Project-level doc types should extend either @apostrophecms/piece-type or @apostrophecms/page-type instead.


relatedDocumentBooleanAssign true on a doc-type module (almost always pieces) for those docs to be considered "related documents" in localization.
slugPrefixStringA string Apostrophe should prepend to all slugs for a doc type. Only applicable to piece-type modules.


When editors localize content, syncing it from one locale to other locales, there is an option to also localize "related documents" (docs connected through relationship fields). If this option is true, the type is selected by default for localization when related to a piece or page being localized. This is the default setting for @apostrophecms/image and @apostrophecms/file.

If this option is null, the type is offered for localization when related to a piece or page being localized, but not selected by default. This is the default setting for all other piece types.

If this option is false, the type is never offered for localization when related to a piece or page being localized. This is the default setting for @apostrophecms/page-type.


Document slugs, the slug property of content documents, must be unique within a database. Apostrophe will enforce this by adding numbers to the end of a duplicate slug when needed (e.g., some-slug-0). Registering a prefix for a piece type's slugs with slugPrefix is another way to prevent duplicate slugs across different piece types and also avoid the appended numbers. This should not be used for page types.

For example, the @apostrophecms/image module uses the image- slug prefix. Image document slugs are not as important as event slugs, so adding the prefix prevents an image from reserving a slug both might have used. An image with filename 2021-company-retreat.jpg would otherwise have tried to have the same auto-generated slug as an event titled "2021 Company Retreat."


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    slugPrefix: 'pub-'
  // ...

The following methods belong to this module and may be useful in project-level code. See the source code for all methods that belong to this module.

This module is meant as a base class for more specific content modules. As such, the methods should be used from those content modules, not directly from this one.


Returns a new version of the doc type's schema containing only fields that the current user (req.user) has permission to edit.

async convert(req, input, doc, options)

Process untrusted data supplied in an input object using the doc type's schema and update the doc object accordingly. This does not save anything to the database by itself.

If options.presentFieldsOnly is true, only fields that exist in input are affected. The default is false, which applies default values to any fields not already in input. To intentionally erase a field's contents when this option is present, use null for that input field or another representation appropriate to the type (an empty string for a string field).

If options.copyingId is present and assigned to a document _id, the doc with the given ID is fetched and used as the default values for any schema fields not defined in input. This overrides presentFieldsOnly as long as the fields in question exist in the doc being copied. The _id of the copied doc is added as the copyOfId property of the doc object.


Returns an array with the names of all doc type schema fields present in the input object.

async find(req, criteria, builders)

The find() method initiates a database query. Learn more about initiating queries in the database query guide. This method takes three arguments:

reqObjectThe associated request object. Using a provided req object is important for maintaining user role permissions.
criteriaObjectA MongoDB criteria object. It is often as simple as properties that match schema field names assigned to the desired value.
buildersObjectThe builders object is converted to matching query builders.

findForEditing(req, criteria, builders)

Returns a query that finds documents the current user (based on the req request object) can edit. Unlike find(), this query defaults to including docs in the archive.

criteria is a MongoDB criteria object as in find(). The builders argument should be an object of query builders, in the same style as the module option of the same name.

async findOneForEditing(req, criteria, builders)

findOneForEditing() is wrapper for findForEditing() that returns a single document matching the arguments, not simply a query.

inferIdLocaleAndMode(req, _id)

This method is a wrapper for the @apostrophecms/i18n module method of the same name. If the doc type is a piece type that is not localized, this will simply return the _id.

async isModified(req, doc)

Returns true if the provided draft (doc) has been modified from the published version of the same document. If the draft has no published version it is always considered modified.

For convenience, you may also pass the published document version as doc. In this case the draft version is found and compared to the provided published version.


This method returns an new document object with appropriate default values for the doc type's schema fields. This is useful as a starting point for programmatically constructed documents.

async publish(req, draft, options)

When passed a req object and draft document object (draft), this method will publish the draft. This replaces an existing published version of the document, if there is one. It returns the draft doc with the lastPublishedAt and modified properties updated.

If options.permissions is explicitly set to false, permissions checks are bypassed. If options.autopublishing is true, then the edit permission is sufficient, otherwise the publish permission is checked for.

async revertDraftToPublished(req, draft, options)

Reverts the given draft document (draft) to the most recent publication, clearing any changes. It returns the draft's new value, or false if the draft was not modified from the published version or no published version exists yet.

If the options object contains an overrides object, properties of the overrides object will be applied to the draft document before it is updated in the database.

Emits the afterRevertDraftToPublished event before returning, which includes a payload object containing the draft document.

async revertPublishedToPrevious(req, published)

Reverts a published document (published) to the previous published state and returns the updated published state. If this was already done (only one previous state is saved) or there is no previous publication, it throws an invalid exception.

Emits the afterRevertPublishedToPrevious event before returning, which includes a payload object containing the published document.