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Alias: apos.attachment

Extends: @apostrophecms/module ℹ️

The attachment module coordinates the addition and manipulation of any files added to the database and works alongside the @apostrophecms/uploadfs module. This includes rescaling and cropping of images, as well as the uploading of non-image files like '.pdf' or '.csv'. It exposes multiple template helpers and command line tasks for attachment retrieval and manipulation.

Options and configuration settings for this module are passed in through both modules/@apostrophecms/attachment/index.js and modules/@apostrophecms/uploadfs/index.js.


This reference is unusual compared to other reference pages in that it documents some settings that are passed directly to @apostrophecms/uploadfs. For these, see the selected settings of the @apostrophecms/uploadfs module section of this reference.

fileGroupsArrayAssigns uploaded files to either an 'image' or 'office' category to allow for upload and manipulation.
addFileGroupsArrayAllows addition of extension(s) to existing groups or creation of new groups.


This option should be passed to the @apostrophecms/attachment module. By default, this option is set to an array with two objects and any array passed through this option will replace the default values.

module.exports = {
  options: {
    fileGroups: [
        name: 'images',
        label: 'apostrophe:images',
        extensions: [
        extensionMaps: { jpeg: 'jpg' }
        name: 'office',
        label: 'apostrophe:office',
        extensions: [
        extensionMaps: {}

The first default object's name property is set to images and an extensions key with an array of strings containing the non-prefixed extensions of file types that can be uploaded and attached to @apostrophecms/image pieces. In order to allow different spelling, e.g. 'jpg' or 'jpeg', the extensionMaps option takes an object with the alternative spelling as key and the extension it should map to as value.


Passing a new image extension type through replacement of the @apostrophecms/attachment default fileGroups option will not automatically cause the new image type to be re-sized or cropped, only added to the database and written to the designated uploadfs folder.

The second default object is very similar, but for the name key it takes a value of office, indicating that these file types can be attached to @apostrophecms/file pieces and should not be processed. Again, the extensions key takes an array of non-prefixed strings indicating the allowed file types. The extensionMaps maps alternative spellings to the specified extension.


This option should be passed to the @apostrophecms/attachment module and it takes an array of objects. This option allows you to specify new fileGroups containing allowed extensions for use in the attachment schema field. Passing this option an object with the same name property as an existing file group will merge the extensions and extensionMaps with the existing group.

A new extension can be added to the existing groups, either office or image by setting the object name property to the same value as the group you want to add the extension into.


module.exports= {
  options: {
    addFileGroups: [
      // adds tif extension to the 'images' group
        name: 'images',
        extensions: [
        extensionMaps: {
          tiff: 'tif'

In addition to name, the object can have both extensions and extensionMaps properties that take values just like the properties in the fileGroups options. Both are optional, you only are required to supply one, but can supply both.

The addFileGroups option can also be used to add a new grouping without eliminating the existing groups. This is accomplished through the addition of a new object containing name, label, extensions and extensionMaps properties. All are required.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    addFileGroups: [
        name: 'logfiles',
        extensions: [
        extensionMaps: {}

This example will make a new group, logfiles, but leave the images and office groups unaltered. This new group will be available to use in the attachment field fileGroup setting.


A single addFileGroups option can be used to both alter existing groups and add new groups by passing multiple objects in the array.


imageSizesObjectTakes an object with add and remove properties to change the image sizes created upon image import.


This configuration setting should be passed to the @apostrophecms/attachment module. It gets passed as a top-level property, not within the options property. By default it is assigned an array containing six image size objects. Each of these objects has a name, width, and height property. The width and height values are unitless. The default sizes are:

  imageSizes: {
    add: {
      max: {
        width: 1600,
        height: 1600
      full: {
        width: 1140,
        height: 1140
      'two-thirds': {
        width: 760,
        height: 760
      'one-half': {
        width: 570,
        height: 700
      'one-third': {
        width: 380,
        height: 700
      'one-sixth': {
        width: 190,
        height: 350

Additional sizes can be added through an object composed of size objects containing name, width, and height properties. This object is passed as value to the add key of imageSizes. Default sizes can be removed by passing an array containing their names to the remove key of imageSizes.


The Apostrophe admin UI may display various sizes to help you manage your images, so remove sizes with care.


module.exports = {
  imageSizes: {
    add: {
      mini: {
        width: 200,
        height: 200
    remove: ['one-half']

checkExtension(field, attachment)

This method checks whether the supplied attachment file extension is allowed by a particular schema field. It will return null if the attachment file extension is allowed, an array of file extensions that are allowed if it is not, or an empty array if it is not allowed and the allowed extensions are not known.

The field parameter takes an object and informs the method what file extensions are allowed. To greenlist extensions by fileGroup, field.fileGroups or field.fileGroup take a string, array, or object. The key value will be checked against the passed value.To greenlist by attachment.extension, field.extensions or field.extension take a string, array, or object. The attachment.extension key value will be checked against the passed value.

insert(req, file, options)

This method inserts the supplied file as an Apostrophe attachment. It returns attachment where attachment is an attachment object that can be passed to the url() method, or used for the value of a type: 'attachment' schema field.

The file parameter accepts an object with name and path properties. The name should be set to the name of the file, while the path should be the actual full path to the file on disk. This is designed to work well with the connect-multiparty npm module, which is used as middleware by the upload route of this module. But you can also use it to copy files into uploadfs as part of a command line task or other server-side logic.

The options parameter is optional. If options.permissions is explicitly set to false then permissions are not checked.

crop(req, _id, crop)

This method takes the image specified by the _id of an existing attachment, copies it to the uploadfs specified temporary location, applies the crop, and then saves it back into uploadfs storage. The crop parameter takes an object with top, left, width, and height properties. The passed values should be unitless, but must be JavaScript numbers, not strings.


This method takes an object specifying either a new file group or that extends an existing group. For new file groups the object should have name, extensions, and extensionMaps properties that are set-up like the objects passed through array to the fileGroups option of this module.

To extend an existing file group the object should have a name property matching the name value of an existing file group (office or images, by default). The object should also have an extensions property, extensionMaps property, or both. These properties are structured like the properties of the same name in the fileGroups objects.

Template helpers

Template helpers are methods available for use in template files. Because this module has an alias, you can call these in templates using the alias path. For example, apos.attachment.getWidth(attachment).

all(within, options)

This helper finds all attachments referenced within a document, whether they are properties or sub-properties. It returns an array of attachment objects, or an empty array. Content found in the alt text, credit and credit url fields for image attachments will be returned, respectively, in the _alt, _credit, and _creditUrl properties of the attachment object. Note: apos.image.all(within, options) is a wrapper for this helper that will automatically return only image attachments.

The within parameter is required and specifies the object to be searched. In general, the passed document should be the minimum necessary. So for example, use data.piece._people instead of page.body.

The options parameter is optional and takes an object with several potential properties. takes the name of the specific fileGroup to be searched - usually either images or office.

options.extension takes a single extension type as a non-prefixed string and filters the returned array to only include those types.

option.extensions takes an array of non-prefixed strings used to filter the results.

options.annotate takes a boolean value. If set to true, it will add a _urls property to any image attachment objects in the returned array. The image _urls property contains sub-properties named for each image name size with the URL as a string value. The _urls will also contain an uncropped property with sub-properties named for each image name size and the URL as value. For non-image files, annotate: true will add a _url property to the object in the returned array with the URL of the attachment as value.

{% if %}
  {% set images = apos.attachment.all(, { group: 'images' }) %}
  {% for selfie in images %}
    <img src="{{ selfie._urls['one-third'] }}">
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

first(within, options)

This helper finds the first attachment referenced within a document, whether it is a property or sub-property. It returns an object, or undefined if no attachments are found. Content found in the alt text, credit and credit url fields for image attachments will be returned, respectively, in the _alt, _credit, and _creditUrl properties of the attachment object. Note: apos.image.first(within, options) is a wrapper for this and will automatically return only image attachments.

The within parameter is required and specifies the object to be searched. In general, the passed document should be the minimum necessary. So for example, use data.piece._people instead of page.body.

The options parameter is optional and takes an object with several potential properties. takes the name of the specific fileGroup to be searched - usually either images or office.

options.extension takes a single extension type as a non-prefixed string and filters the returned array to only include those types.

option.extensions takes an array of non-prefixed strings used to filter the results.

options.annotate takes a boolean value. If set to true, it will add a _urls property to any image attachment objects in the returned array. The image _urls property contains sub-properties named for each image name size with the URL as a string value. The _urls will also contain an uncropped property with sub-properties named for each image name size and the URL as value. For non-image files, annotate: true will add a _url property to the object in the returned array with the URL of the attachment as value.

{% if %}
  {% set image = apos.attachment.first(, { group: 'images' }) %}
   <img src="{{ image._urls['one-third'] }}">
{% endif %}


If the attachment has a focal point defined, this helper will return the focal point position converted to CSS syntax for object-position as a string with coordinates as percentages. This string does not have an ; appended, so it must be added. If no focal point is set for the attachment it returns center center.

{% if %}
  {% set image = apos.attachment.first(, { group: 'images' }) %}
  {% set focalPoint = apos.attachment.focalPointToObjectPosition(image) %}
   // focal point = '20% 20%'  
  <img src="{{ image._urls['one-third'] }}" style="object-position: {{ focalPoint }};">
{% endif %}


If the attachment has a focal point defined, this helper will return an object containing an x property with the x-postition, and y property with the y-position, as percentages. The numbers are supplied unitless. If there is no focal point defined it returns null.

{% if %}
  {% set image = apos.attachment.first(, { group: 'images' }) %}
  {% set focalPoint = apos.attachment.getFocalPoint(image) %}
   // focal point = '{ x: 20, y: 20 }'  
  <img src="{{ image._urls['one-third'] }}" style="object-position: left {{ focalPoint.x }}% top {{ focalPoint.y }}%;">
{% endif %}


Returns either the original size attachment height, or the cropped height if the image has been cropped in the document.

{% if %}
  {% set image = apos.attachment.first(, { group: 'images' }) %}
  {% set imageHeight = apos.attachment.getHeight(image) %}  <img src="{{ image._urls['one-third'] }}" height="{{ imageHeight }}" >
{% endif %}


Returns either the original size attachment width or the cropped width if the image has been cropped in the document.

{% if %}
  {% set image = apos.attachment.first(, { group: 'images' }) %}
  {% set imageWidth = apos.attachment.getWidth(image) %}
  <img src="{{ image._urls['one-third'] }}" width="{{ imageWidth }}" >
{% endif %}


Returns true if the image attachment associated with the document has a focal point set.

{% if %}
  {% set image = apos.attachment.first(, { group: 'images' }) %}
  {% if hasFocalPoint(image) %}
    {% set focalPoint = apos.attachment.focalPointToObjectPosition(image) %}
    <img src="{{ image._urls['one-third'] }}" style="object-position: {{ focalPoint }};">
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}


Checks the attachment extension against the fileGroups option to determine if the attachment can be cropped.

url(attachment, options)

Returns the URL of the passed attachment. If options.size is set to the name of an existing size, it will return the URL for that size. options.full will return the URL for the "full width" (1140px, by default), not the original. For the original, pass original as the size value. By default the full size is returned. if options.uploadfsPath is true, the uploadfs path will be returned.

Module tasks


This method will regenerate all sizes of all image attachments. This is useful after a new sizes is added to the configuration. Note: this might take a considerable amount of time.


node app @apostrophecms/attachment:rescale

Selected @apostrophecms/uploadfs module settings

These options should be added to the modules/@apostrophecms/uploadfs/index.js file inside the uploadfs option. See the @apostrophecms/uploadfs reference page for the remainder of the module options and settings.

copyOriginalBooleanUndefined by default. If set to false the original image will not be copied to the database, only scaled images.
imageString || ObjectSets the image processor to 'sharp' (by default), 'imagemagick, or a custom processor passed in an object.
orientOriginalsBooleanUnless set to false, the uploaded image will be reoriented according to header data.
postprocessorsArrayTakes an array of objects detailing optional postprocessors for images.
scaledJpegQualityIntegerSets the JPEG quality setting for scaled images - defaults to 80.
sizeAvailableInArchiveStringTakes the name of a size to make available even if the document is archived. Defaults to 'one-sixth'.


This setting should be passed to the @apostrophecms/uploadfs module. By default, the copyOriginal value is undefined, resulting in storage of the original image in the database. Explicitly setting this to false will block this behavior. This option is ignored for non-image files.


This setting should be passed to the @apostrophecms/uploadfs module. The 'image' setting defaults to 'sharp' and using the built-in sharp.js image processor. This property also accepts imagemagick if it has been installed or an object specifying a custom processor. See the uploadfs npm module sharp.js file for example.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    uploadfs: {
      copyOriginal: false


This setting should be passed to the @apostrophecms/uploadfs module. It is possible to configure uploadfs to run a postprocessor on every custom-sized image that it generates. This is intended for file size optimization tools like imagemin.

Here is an example based on the imagemin documentation:

const imagemin = require('imagemin');
const imageminJpegtran = require('imagemin-jpegtran');
const imageminPngquant = require('imagemin-pngquant');

  storage: 'local',
  image: 'sharp',
  postprocessors: [
      postprocessor: imagemin,
      extensions: [ 'gif', 'jpg', 'png' ],
      options: {
        plugins: [
          imageminPngquant({quality: '0.3-0.8'})